碳中和 中国将在2050年实现碳中和

发布时间: 2020-12-18 16:49:52

China won"t have to sacrifice economic growth or prosperity togo carbon neutralin the next few decades, according to a new report.


carbon neutral碳中和,碳中和是指企业、团体或个人测算在一定时间内直接或间接产生的温室气体排放总量,通过植树造林、节能减排等形式,以抵消自身产生的二氧化碳排放量,实现二氧化碳“零排放”。

The country could triple its economic output per person by 2050 while still reducing its carbon footprint, the Energy Transitions Commission said in thereport, published on Friday in partnership with theRocky Mountain Institute.


carbon footprint碳足迹

"Given China"s central role in the global economy, its vast renewable energy resources, and its technological leadership in key industries, China is uniquely positioned to lead the global energy transition and to decarbonize its economy completely by 2050," said Adair Turner, chair of the commission. Turner is the former chairman of the UK Financial Services Authority and UK Climate Committee. The commission is made up of energy producers and consumers, tech experts, finance specialists and NGOs.

鉴于中国在全球经济中的核心地位,其庞大的可再生能源以及在关键行业的技术领先地位,其在引领全球能源转型和到2050年完全实现经济脱碳方面具有独特的地位,” 该委员会主席阿黛尔·特纳说道。特纳是英国金融服务管理局和英国气候委员会的前主席。该委员会由能源生产者和消费者,技术专家,财务专家和非政府组织组成。

decarbonizecarbonize由carbon衍生出来的动词形式,carbonize指.......碳化,加上de-前缀表示否定, 有“除去,相反“”之意,所以这个单词表示“去碳化”,类似的单词:decentralize,defrost。

NGOnon-governmental organization非政府组织

China is one of the world"s biggest polluters and a key signatory of the 2015 Paris Agreement, a pledge by 187 countries to reduce their carbon emissions. And its role has become even more important after the United Statesbegan its formal withdrawal fromthe agreement earlier this month.


"For the world to deliver the Paris Climate objectives, it is vital that China has a strategy to achieve net-zero emissions by mid-century," Turner said.


Reducing net carbon emissions to zero by 2050 could actually make the world"s second biggest economy stronger.


To achieve the net-zero target, China would need to more than double its overall electricity production, the report said. It would also need to double its annual rate of investment in solar energy and increase its investment in wind energy by three or four times.


China has already undertaken steps to curb its emissions, dramaticallyreducing the price of solar powerin many parts of the country. In 2017, it announced plans to launch a nationwide carbon market to trade credits for the right to emit carbon dioxide.


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