延展 二十六个英文字母的创意设计延展!

发布时间: 2020-12-14 16:38:52
LOGO大师整理编辑图片来源:豆腐丝设计的灵感来自于生活那我们经常能见到的26个英文字母是不是也可以拿来做创意设计呢?萨尔瓦多设计师IvánCastro就以A-Z的26个英文字母进行了创意字体设计展示了不同方向思考和不同维度展现的画面"A" Inspired by the America"s conquering"B" Monogram for playwright Bertolt Brecht"C" Un corazón for Lantinoamérica "D" Linocut"E" Psycho Candy"F" Violent and Raw"G" for "gráfica popular" of Latin America"H" Hairy tied"I" Monogram for myself"J" for Javiera Mena"s music"K" as a woman"L" Inspiration, music and magic."M" Psycho candy #2"N" for a typeface I designed: Neo 20"O" Optical illusion"P" Popular as the "gráfica popular""Q" ribbons"R" remember the history"S" Virus"T" Torogoz "U" Grapes and cream"V" Graffiti vandals"W" Crystal blue"X" X-pectrum"Y" Monogram for playwirght Ben Yeoh"Z" Three-lined你最喜欢哪个字母的创意设计?


孩子 皮肤