淡蓝男体 这个同志摄影师拍摄的男体太美了!

发布时间: 2020-12-24 13:06:41

黑人同志摄影师——Menelik Puryear在Instagram上拥有非常多的粉丝,他的个人账号取名Hard Cider。他擅长男体摄影。在其作品中基本都是用的自然光或现有光源,选择偷窥的角度给观众一窥一的私人视角。目的是让这些简单闲适的时刻自己诉说故事。他把焦点都集中在所有事物上,而非单纯的人物凸现。

Menelik Puryear居住在纽约,拥有自己的工作室和网站


MP很喜欢给每张照片标注一句话搭配简单易懂的意境小句子。该系列作品在Hard Cider底下会标注拍摄地,比如NY代表纽约。

“Just Swim”

"The sound of frost and drums"

"Contracts and obligations"

"Muscle beach bummin""

"three moves from king"

"The big shuffle"

"Ladies and gentlemen..."

"James Bond Forever"

"Waiting on tomorrow"

"Forever and a day"

"Did you see that?"


"Kick back and eat some turkey"

"It"s better this way"

"Where are you going, where have you been?"

"A Junkyard story"

"The heat was nasty, like a stray dog following you all day ready to pick a fight."

"A Junkyard Story"

"What I remember most is the smell of his mothers cooking coming from the window of there tiny little apt above the cigarette store... But that was a long time ago."

"Edge cove drive"

"I was under the impression that we had and understanding."

"Chinatown hustle"

"Chinatown hustle"

"By the time you read this..."

"After it all fades"

"The things we moved"

"I saw this as an invitation."

"Like a thief in the night"


图|Menelik Puryear

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